Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mayor's Day postponed due to weather

From the Mayor's office:

"Dear Community members,

Regretfully, we will have to postpone the Day of Service in Mar Vista, Del Rey and Venice on Saturday, January 26, 2008 until March 15, 2008. Due to the 70% chance of rain forecasted for this weekend, we will not be able to execute many of our painting, planting and cleaning projects.

Please reach out to your community and let them know that the Day of Service has been postponed!

We will be in touch shortly to arrange for the next planning committee meeting so that we can get ready for new date set for the Day of Service on Saturday, March 15, 2008."

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mayor's Day of Service, 2008, Mar Vista

"On Saturday, January 26, 2008, the Offices of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa and Councilmember Bill Rosendahl will host the 2008 Day of Service at the Mar Vista Recreation Center and Park.

Residents in Mar Vista, Del Rey, Venice and the surrounding neighborhoods will join with community members to work together on more than 50 separate projects at 20 various locations to benefit the local neighborhoods.

The goal of the Day of Service is to address community needs, provide public education and strengthen community partnerships.

In keeping with the tradition of the Mayor’s many Days of Service, events taking place that weekend are free of charge for all participants.

Our goal is to involve 5,000 people in Mar Vista and its surrounding neighborhoods and grow their level of volunteerism throughout the year.

The Mar Vista Day of Service is not just about community service; it is about community building.

If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Cheung, in the Office of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, at 310.479.3823 or via email at"

This is a great way to give back to our parks and schools which nurture our kids and our sport!

I hope to see many of you there!