1. Will you pledge to listen to all the community first and foremost; place our common good above your personal biases and/or causes?
I pledge to continue to listen to the community and represent the will of the stakeholders above all.
As a Zone Director, I consider myself lucky to have so many stakeholders with different concerns.
I hope to be re-relected and continue to serve their needs moving forward.
2. Will you pledge your unequivocal and steadfast support for our Community Center at Historic 62 Project as it moves forward?
I pledge my support for our Community Center at Historic 62 Project.
Mar Vista needs this valuable space for meetings and events!
I am eager to see this important resource for the Mar Vista Community come to fruition and will assist in any way that I am able.
3. Will you pledge to protect our scarce and precious local park and school field space resources from development encroachment?
I pledge to protect our green areas, be they park or school field space resources.
No development should be planned that encroaches on these rare assets.
4. Will you pledge to take the neighborhood council treasurer training so our MVCC is not left high and dry with frozen funds ever again?
If elected, I will sign up for an Empower LA Leadership Academy Funding Workshop for Neighborhood council treasurers.
And, From Ken Alpern:
The easy and obvious answer is YES, and I would like to think that I have been doing this for the 10+ years that I have had the honor of serving on the MVCC Board Of Directors. If a Neighborhood Council cannot listen to the communities it represents, then who can? Open space and community centers are in short supply, and I would prefer to have a portion of our budget be dedicated to our parks and community centers in the same manner that a portion is dedicated to our libraries. Financial education and responsibility is at the heart of all good government--and I would like to think that I have a record of both generosity and prudence when each is called for.
I look forward to the pleasure and honor of serving another term on the MVCC Board of Directors.
Most Sincerely,
Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D.
Kenneth S. Alpern, M.D.