"If only children had as much public space as cars,
most cities in the world would become marvelous."
"For the poor, the only alternative to television
for their leisure time is the public space.
For this reason, high quality public
pedestrian space, and parks in particular,
are evidence of a true democracy at work."
From a keynote address
delivered by Enrique Penalosa, Mayor of Bogotá,
Columbia, to the Urban Parks Institute's
"Great Parks/Great Cities" conference July 2001
Galaxy #23:
the man
THE moment
Enter Beckham bedlam: the world's best known
soccer midfielder has joined the Los Angeles Galaxy.
Trying to limit the world's most loved game in our
local parks these days is rather like pretending global
warming doesn't exist.
Fields the length and breadth of Southern
California are filled with young and old alike trying
to 'bend it like Beckham' did on his FIRST free kick
for his new team.
Anyone can play soccer anywhere, anytime,
without special equipment.
All you need is a ball and your feet.
Public space is true democracy at work.